Forensic Document Examination Services

Our services include the forensic examination of a wide spectrum of articles of evidence, employing specialised techniques and knowledge in the fields of Forensic Document Examination and the Science of Fingerprints, the reporting of the examination process and the provision of this evidence to the relevant audience. 

Signature and Handwriting Examination
Authorship Disputes
Document Construction
Writing Indentation


Whatever the problem, we invite you to contact us to discuss your issue. Our experience built up over the last two decades has provided us with a network of contacts that we can direct you to if the nature of your problem is outside of our expertise.


Not Just Signatures


Document examination is often more than just providing an opinion on a signature. Using a variety of techniques and specialist equipment, we can examine a document and visualise hidden markings, develop fingerprints, and inspect key markings that identify a source


Getting an idea of our fees

Prior to commencing, we will ensure you are aware of our fees, and an anticipated completion date. In order for us to give you an estimate, we request that you provide us with copies of the material (by email), and identify what the nature of the dispute is about.